Daedra est ouvert ! (recrutement on)

Messages : 87
Inscription : 12 sept. 2013, 19:53
Pseudo Minecraft : theknight574

Re: Daedra est ouvert ! (recrutement on)

Messagepar theknight574 » 15 sept. 2014, 23:05

Bonsoir !

Candidature refusée dans l'imédiat pour manque de screens et de description, bonne soirée !
I want a coffee to drink and be happy,
I want a coffee which makes me run like the wind !
I want a coffee for someone like me,
I want that this coffee makes me happy !

Messages : 87
Inscription : 12 sept. 2013, 19:53
Pseudo Minecraft : theknight574

Re: Daedra est ouvert ! (recrutement on)

Messagepar theknight574 » 18 sept. 2014, 21:13

Nouveau recrutement disponible, je lock ;)
I want a coffee to drink and be happy,
I want a coffee which makes me run like the wind !
I want a coffee for someone like me,
I want that this coffee makes me happy !

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